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Cal Poly Now is your go-to guide to clubs, events, and more. It's the first place students look for ways to get involved on campus. Your Go-To Guide to Creating Events has a step-by-step tutorial on how to add your organization's events to the site.
Posting or Distributing Flyers, Posters, and Banners
The University has a Campus Administrative Policy (CAP) 140 regarding posting or distributing flyers, posters, and banners on campus.
Sandwich Boards
The University has a Campus Administrative Policy (CAP) 140 regarding sandwich boards. (See CAP 144.6:.) The E-Plan process must be used to gain approval to set up sandwich boards on University property. The maximum size for a sandwich board is 2’x4’. Sandwich boards cannot be on display for more than seven days prior to an event and must be removed immediately following the event. All spaces for sandwich boards are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Sandwich board reservations will be accepted at the following locations on campus: UU Plaza, Dexter Lawn, Via Carta Mall, and Ag Circle. Sandwich boards displayed at other areas on campus will be removed by Cal Poly Facility Services.
Sandwich Boards for Recurring Events
Approved locations for recurring sandwich boards are Dexter Lawn, Ag Circle, and Via Carta Mall (between Highland Dr. and North Perimeter Rd.).
Maximum size for signs is 2'×4'
Maximum time is one quarter
Signs may not be placed on lawns or shrub areas
Signs may not restrict access to sidewalks or building entrances
Signs must be maintained by the sponsoring group
Banners in the University Union (UU) Plaza
The University has a Campus Administrative Policy (CAP) 140 regarding banners on campus. (See CAP 144.5 and 144.6:)
Additionally, vinyl banners displayed in the University Union Plaza shall be no larger than 3'×9' and may be attached to the railing using string or plastic twist ties. Paper banners may be affixed using blue painters tape available from the ASI Facility Supervisor. Banners may not be chained or locked to the railing, nor may they be affixed to concrete walls. Banners may not be displayed for more than seven days. After seven days, the ASI Facility Supervisor will remove the banner and it will be stored in the UU for 30 days. If the banner has not been picked up after 30 days, it will be disposed of.
Staked Temporary Signs
- See CAP 144.6 for full details regarding the campus policy on temporary signage
- Letter-sized (i.e., 8.5" x 11") signs may be placed on redwood lath stakes
- Signs may not advertise events for longer than one week
- Signs may not pose a safety risk
- Signs may not be taped to, attached to or placed on buildings, trees, cars, traffic signs, posts, or hillsides, or trash cans or on interior doors, windows, walls, floors or ceilings
- Signs may not obstruct entrances or exits of buildings or the line of vision to vehicular or pedestrian traffic
- Signs must clearly identify the name of the club sponsoring the activity
- The club responsible for placing temporary signage shall be responsible for its removal no more than two weeks after its posting, or if advertising an event, when the event is over
- In order to ensure maintenance of an uncluttered, attractive and safe campus, the University otherwise reserves the right to remove temporary signage (commercial and non-commercial) if it is not in compliance with University Policy, if it has been posted for more than two weeks, or if the event it advertises has taken place, whichever comes first
- Signage may also be removed when damaged, displaced or weather so that it is no longer readable
- Organizations or persons who fail to remove temporary signage in a timely manner may be held responsible for the cost of its removal
- Posting of temporary signage is subject to additional location specific guidelines enumerated in CAP 144.6
Distributing Materials on Campus
See Cal Poly’s Free Expression policy in Campus Administrative Policy (CAP) 140 for more details on leafleting on campus.
Flyers in the Residence Halls and Campus Apartments
Flyer/Poster distribution service for University Housing is only available to student clubs, University Departments holding University sanctioned events and ASI Candidates.
- All posting must be done by University Housing staff. Unapproved posters/flyers that are posted in non-designated areas will be removed.
- Bring 20 posters/flyers to the Residential Life and Education Office (located in room 111 of the Housing Administration, Building 31) 10 days prior to the event for timely posting.
- Posters/flyers must be on letter or legal sized paper only. (No newsprint posters or banners will be accepted.)
- Temporary sandwich board signs and lath-sized wood stakes are allowed on Grand Avenue and Perimeter Avenue only and subject to conditions of section 144.6 of University Organization and Campus wide Policies.
All posters/flyers must be in compliance with the community standard policies listed in the University Housing Resident Handbooks. Posters/flyers will be reviewed by the Residential Life and Education staff for compliance.
To setup information tables in University Housing, prior approval from the Inter Housing Community Council is required. Contact: ihcvpa@gmail.com
Library Display Cases
Kennedy Library offers Cal Poly clubs, organizations, and departments free use of the 2nd Floor Promotional Display Cases to promote campus events and activities. They offer one week time slots, and are always looking for student focused promotions to include in this highly visible location at the top of the first staircase.
The procedures for reserving are minimal and only require completing the request form and returning it to their office (via email or in person). This information can also be found on their website.
For more information, reach out by emailing lib-scheduling@calpoly.edu, or stop by the library administration office on the second floor of the library in room 204, to speak with any of the library staff.
Prohibited Commercial Use
- Displaying personal items for sale on a web page residing on or transmitted through University resources.
- Displaying commercial advertisements on a web page hosted on University resources.
- Using a Cal Poly account to create and host a website for a local organization promoting fundraisers and other commercial activities.
- Using a Cal Poly account to operate or conduct non-University related business activities, including financial management, advertising and promotion, correspondence, websites, etc.